Anyone is eligible for a library card with valid identification and proof of a current address. Proof of address can be a driver’s license, utility bill, or other non-personal piece of mail addressed to you. You will select a PIN or password when you receive your card so you can manage your library account online.

You can register for a library card without coming to the library in person by filling out our online registration form. Please provide proof of residency by emailing us a photo or scan of your valid driver’s license with current address. If you are new to Wakefield and your license has not been updated, you can substitute a scan or image of a utility or tax bill showing your current address. After filling out the form, we will provide you with a library card number and password that you can use to log into your account, request materials, or use our online services (ebooks and streaming services, databases, etc.). We will also mail you a physical library card that you can use once the library reopens.

If you have a card from another NOBLE library, that card will work in Wakefield. Beebe Library does not extend borrowing or other privileges to residents of communities with uncertified libraries. See our policy on “Service to Uncertified Libraries and Their Patrons” for further information.

Children of any age can apply for their own library card. A parent or guardian must sign for any child under the age of 16.